Wayanad, the panoramic hill of malabar in the northern Kerala, situated above the sea level ranges between 700 meters to 2100 meters, is a homeland of various tribal communities.They can be prominently classified into Paniyas, Adiyas, Kattunayakans, Kurichiyans,Kurumas,Ooralis, Uraali Kurumas etc.
The Paniyas
A vast majority of tribes in Kerala state hail from the Paniya tribal sect. Paniyas inhabit in the regions of Wayanad and the neighboring parts of Kannur and Malappuram.
A vast majority of tribes in Kerala state hail from the Paniya tribal sect. Paniyas inhabit in the regions of Wayanad and the neighboring parts of Kannur and Malappuram.
Monogamy appears to
be the general rule among the Paniyas. In marriage bride price is
practiced like many other tribal communities. Widow remarriage is
allowed. They do not practice pre-puberty marriage.They have only a
crude idea of religion. Their major deity, is called 'Kali'. They also
worship Banyan tree. They hesitate to cut such trees and if anyone
attempts to cut such trees, they fall sick.
Due to the various tribal welfare programmes by the government, a change has set in the lives of Paniyas.
The Adiyas
Adiyas are known as 'Ravulayar' traditionally. The Adiya, like the
Paniya, is one of theslave sects in Kerala. In the nuclear Adiya tribal
family the husband is the head of the house. Bride price is given to the
parents of the bride by the groom. Divorce, widow marriage etc., are
permitted. Polygamy is also practiced.
No punitive measure
(like ostracizing of the sex offender, as one can see among Kurichias)
is prevalent among the Adiyas for sex offences. Even if their woman
commits such offences they are allowed to undergo purificatory ceremony
known as 'Kalachu Veypu' to join their community back.
The Kattunayakan
The Kattunayakan community is found in Wayanad, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts. They are also called Cholanaickan, in the interior forests of Nilambur area of Malappuram,
and Pathinaickans, in the plains of Malappuram districts.
The Kattunayakan community is found in Wayanad, Kozhikode and Malappuram districts. They are also called Cholanaickan, in the interior forests of Nilambur area of Malappuram,
As their name denote,
the Kattunayakan were the kings of the jungle regions engaged in the
collection and gathering of forest produces. They are known as Ten
Kurumar since they collect honey from the forest. They have all the
physical features of a hilltribe. Their language is a mixture of all
Dravidian languages.
They worship animals, birds, trees, rock hillocks and snakes. They are firm believers in black magic and sorcery. They also worship their ancestors, along with worshipping Hindu deities.
They worship animals, birds, trees, rock hillocks and snakes. They are firm believers in black magic and sorcery. They also worship their ancestors, along with worshipping Hindu deities.
The Kurichiyans
The Kurichiyans are an agricultural tribal community. Up to some decades ago untouchability had been fairly and widely practiced by these tribals.
They have clean food habits and keep their houses, premises and dress always clean. They are matrilineal and live in joint families, under the control of their chieftain called 'Pittan'. The members of the extended family work together and put their earnings in the same purse. The Kurichiyans prefer cross-cousin marriage to any other marriage alliances. They do not practice polyandry.
The Kurichiyans are an agricultural tribal community. Up to some decades ago untouchability had been fairly and widely practiced by these tribals.
They have clean food habits and keep their houses, premises and dress always clean. They are matrilineal and live in joint families, under the control of their chieftain called 'Pittan'. The members of the extended family work together and put their earnings in the same purse. The Kurichiyans prefer cross-cousin marriage to any other marriage alliances. They do not practice polyandry.
Their social control
mechanism was most efficient, offenders being excommunicated. Many of
the excommunicated Kurichians are now educationally and economically
better compared to the traditional Kurichians.
The Uraali Kurumas
Uralikuruma, the most versatile and colourful tribal people, is one of the rarest artisan tribes in Kerala. They are mostly found in the Wayan region. Uralikuruma is one of the three subdivisions of 'Kurumba' and the two others being 'Mulla' & ' Jen Kuruma' tribals.
Uralikuruma, the most versatile and colourful tribal people, is one of the rarest artisan tribes in Kerala. They are mostly found in the Wayan region. Uralikuruma is one of the three subdivisions of 'Kurumba' and the two others being 'Mulla' & ' Jen Kuruma' tribals.
The Uralikurumas
choose their life partners from their tribe itself. When a person dies
they believe that the soul of the good become gods and that of the bad
become devils. They worship deities as 'Bettu Chikkamma' and 'Bamadu'
and also demons and ancestral spirits.
They play the flute
and drum during their festival occasions festivals. The "Uch-alkali" is
played in the month of February. Some men dance while some beat the
drums and read the flute. An old man in the group performs rites to
their deity 'Bettu Chikkamma'. Woman are not allowed to participate in
theses ceremonies.They are also skilled potters with their women folk
chiefly involved in this task. Baskets and mats of various types with
reeds and bamboo and hand made pots are manufactured by them. But it has
been seen that the younger generation now prefer working for non tribal
landlords in plantation and paddy fields for an earning without much
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